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Nature image

Our Promise

Pilgrim is "Clean Compatible". Not just free of harmful and toxic chemicals but uses only those ingredients that either enhance the health of our hair & skin or support the effectiveness of formulations.

Our Categories

Face Cream

New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~

Rs. 460.00

MOISTIZES, NOURISHES. VETIVER,COOLING & SHOOTHING Moisturizes and Smoothens and Nourishes Skin Cells. Heals Skin Inflammations. Lightens Scars.Hydrates the Skin as it contai...

New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~
Triphala Gel

Rs. 360.00

Triphala can help to reduce the numberof acne lesions and  improve skin  quality. additionally,it may also help to prevent the formation of new acne by reulating the production ...

New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~
Kesar Night Cream

Rs. 510.00

Anti-Aging Properties.Brightens Skin. Treats Pigmentation. Moisturizes the Skin...Improves Skin Texture. ..Reduces Under-Eye Dark Circles. ..Treats Skin Inflammation. .. Protect...

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Cold Cream

Hydrated skin with Vitamins E, A, C. Relieves dry, itchy skin and protects against environmental stressors. Key ingredients include:

Vitamins A/C/E: Shield skin from sun, pollution, and blue light.

Fruit Flower Oil: Moisturizes dry skin, ideal for dehydration and dry climates.

Rose Extract: Cleanses and prevents blemishes.

Mango Butter: Softens and deeply moisturizes.

Enriched Oils (sesame, strawberry, goji, almond): Provide lasting hydration.
Result: Soft, supple, moisturized, and protected skin.


Milk meets Thai care: nourish, glow bright

Keep your Skin Dry
Stay away from long hot baths
Do not use Soap
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